Shabbat Re’eh

A Welcoming Community Lunch!

Please join us for a special community lunch welcoming new AHC & Kadimah members and families.
Many of us have experienced being the new person in town and know how good it feels to be welcomed with warmth when arriving.
We ask you all to join the fun and sign up for a yummy, homemade meal with lots of fun guaranteed.
If you were at the last Tu B’av meal, you will already know that a great game is on its way!
Join the fun and welcome our new friends!
Sign up in the button below.

Away for Limmud this Shabbat!
We’ll miss our Auckland family but looking forward to injecting energy in to our Wellington family too!
See some of you there!

Shalom Court Lunch and Learn - First visit since COVID

This week we were privileged to spend time with the residents and guests of Shalom Court.
We spoke about memories of the high holidays and what it was like years ago, compared to today.
It was amazing seeing the residents again after so long and we look forward to being back there every few weeks. We also enjoyed a beautiful lunch with the residents thanks to Shalom Court. See you again soon!

Kabbalat Shabbat at the Preschool

This term we will fit in Preschool Kabbalat Shabbat every Friday, alongside the Kadimah Kabbalat Shabbat we run.
It was wonderful participating in the Preschool Kabbalat Shabbat and teaching some new Shabbat facts and traditions.
We had lots of fun and danced our way through the different Shabbat songs. We feel lucky to be able to spend time both at Kadimah and at the Preschool. The students are getting better from week to week and can now say a lot of the Shabbat prayers and blessings - by heart! Amazing students all around.

Hebrew Class!

With the high holidays around the corner, we had the opportunity to learn about the different “Simanim” symbols, of the holiday, how to write them in Hebrew and the greetings to say on Rosh Hashana.
We created our own cards for RH and requested the students write down some greetings in Hebrew.
It was fun and exciting doing some arts n crafts together but, most of all, hearing the students using the words we have already learnt - this made our day!

  • Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. We loved visiting some of you this week and are hoping to visit all of you when suits and when everyone is well enough. Until we see you again, know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!

Wishing you all a Shavua Tov and Shabbat Shalom!
The Fogels

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Shoftim


Shabbat Eikev