Kosher Kiwi
The Kosher Kiwi is the hechsher (kosher mark) of the United Orthodox Hebrew Congregations of New Zealand which have offices in Auckland and Wellington.
The Kosher Kiwi Licensing Authority is headed by Rabbi Moshe Rube.
Rabbi Rube is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and has received training in the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. As part of his training he has studied under preeminent rabbanim of the Orthodox Union including Rabbi Hershel Schachter and Rabbi Menachem Genack.
Sheilot (questions on Jewish Law) are referred to the Kashrut Authority of New South Wales with whom we work in close conjunction. We follow the general guidelines of major agencies such as OU.
Additionally, we are happy to work with you to cater kosher events at many venues locally. We also have caterers in the community who can work with large groups passing through New Zealand.
For further details, please contact us.

Get Kosher Certified
Kosher Kiwi Licensing Authority New Zealand supervises a large range of New Zealand companies and manufacturers
Kosher Directory
We are pleased to share with you the updated Kosher Kiwi directory. Please find below a searchable spreadsheet of the directory and general introductory notes in the accompanying Pdf.
*Please note that Heinz has made the decision to discontinue their Kosher program. All products under the brands of Heinz, Golden Circle, Cottee’s and Watties that are made in New Zealand will no longer be certified as Kosher.
Products purchased until 11/10/24 may be consumed. We are in the process of updating the information on the IsItKosher App. Meanwhile, you can rely on the Kosher Kiwi Directory spreadsheet for up to date information.
Please note the Kosher Kiwi directory is now also available via the IsItKosher app.
The IsItKosher app is also searchable via desktop at the following link if you prefer it to the spreadsheet format:
Please contact us with any questions at: kosher@ahc.org.nz