AHC Education
Our hardworking Shlichim, Bnei Akiva Madrichim and the staff at AHC are proud to offer a diverse range of educational programmes for young children and teens. Camps, classes and discussion groups are run for people of all ages, backgrounds and observance levels to further their understanding of Judaism.
We also have a short class called Grow15 every Saturday after Kiddush offering 15 minutes of inspiration for the week ahead.
Youth Movements
The AHC’s resident youth movement Bnei Akiva hosts weekly programmes, social events and annual Summer & Winter camps. There is also an active Habonim Dror movement in Auckland.
Raye Freedman Library
The Raye Freedman Library is a Jewish Community Library that aims to promote Jewish secular education by providing educational, cultural and information resources on all subjects of Jewish interest.
Visit Website: www.rfl.org.nz
Social Networking
Auckland Hebrew Congregation Private Facebook Group
Visit the Facebook page of the Auckland Hebrew Congregation.
Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS)
The Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS) is the federal body for Jewish student societies at university campuses in Australia and New Zealand.
They provide a wide variety of political, social and educational activities based on their four pillars – Judaism, activism, pluralism and Zionism. Their famous Israel Programs send hundreds of students to Israel each year.
Visit website: www.aujs.com.au
B’nai Brith Auckland
Through its membership base and network of volunteer supporters, B’nai B’rith is involved in a wide range of activities in the areas of human rights and anti-discrimination, promoting inter-ethnic and inter-religious understanding, social justice, community welfare, youth and young adults, senior citizens’ housing, education and health, and support for the State of Israel. Visit website www.bnaibrith.org.nz
Jewish Young Adults (JYA) is a link for those in their 20s and 30s who want to live an active Jewish life in Auckland. They help facilitate regular events and offer all the useful information you need as a single, taken, or married young Jew.
Visit website www.jya.co.nz
The Jewish Federation of New Zealand (JFNZ) is the administrative and support entity for many of the community organisations that contribute to the continuity of Jewish lives in New Zealand, and ongoing support of Israel. JFNZ sustains and enhances Jewish life around the country. They represent and serve over 10 cities and regions across New Zealand.
Visit website: www.zfnz.org.nz
Visit Facebook Page: JFNZ Facebook page
For the past 30 years, Limmud has brought Jewish education to communities around the world. Limmud brings together Jews of all strands, stripes and flavours, in an atmosphere of shared passion for and dedication to learning. We’re very proud to be part of the global Limmud community since 2008.
Visit website: www.limmud.org.nz
Kosher Food
The Kosher Deli is Auckland’s largest stockist of Kosher food and the city’s only Kosher café. The Deli offers a wide range of Kosher local and speciality goods from all over the world including meat, chicken, and cheese. We also have a cafe cabinet offering fresh, healthy and delicious daily meals and baked Challot every Friday. Catering is available on request.
Mon – Fri 7:30am – 3:30pm, Sun 9:00am – 11:00am
Kosher Kiwi
Please visit the Kosher Kiwi page for more information on the largest kosher certification agency in New Zealand.
Community Services
The Auckland Chevra Kadisha & Benevolent Society is a volunteer organisation that oversees funerals, burials and stone settings for the Auckland Jewish Community. They also provide a relief service for members of the congregation who are unwell. In case of an emergency, contact:
Brian Bookman for funerals (PH: 021 622 135)
Valerie Levy for relief (PH: 027 293 2143)
Marcus Tetro for consecrations (PH: 486 1007)
Visit Website: www.chevra.org.nz
Auckland Jewish Immigration (AJI)
The Auckland Jewish Immigration (AJI) is a volunteer immigration organisation working under the auspices of the Auckland Hebrew Congregation. They offer free advice to new immigrants on the immigration procedures, finding jobs, accommodation and schooling. www.aji.org.nz
Community Security Group (CSG)
The Community Security Group (CSG) is a dedicated group of volunteers who work hard to ensure the safety and security of their friends, family and fellow congregants. CSG provides preventative, responsive and consultative services to the Auckland Jewish Community. www.auckcsg.org.nz
Shalom Court
Shalom Court is a boutique rest home in the Auckland suburb of Meadowbank. Home to a maximum 36 residents, premium care and service is tailored and delivered to each resident guest. Shalom Court is owned and operated by a charitable trust.
Visit Website: www.shalomcourt.co.nz
New Zealand Jewish Council (NZJC)
The New Zealand Jewish Council is the representative body of Jewish communities in New Zealand. There are congregations in Auckland, Waikato, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Dunedin. There are approximately 10,000 Jews in New Zealand with the largest population in Auckland followed by Wellington.
Visit Website: https://nzjc.org.nz
Radio Shalom
Hear the latest Radio Shalom Broadcast. If you prefer, listen live every Sunday on Planet FM 104.6 at 9:30am