Shabbat Nitzavim

Coming Up!

Rosh Hashana TOGETHER!

We are so excited to be celebrating Rosh Hashana together with more than 120 sign ups!!
Thinking of last year and how being together was just a wild thought, we are so grateful that this year, our dream has come true and we will all be enjoying the Chag together, as a community.
Looking forward to loads of fun, delicious food and good times had by all.

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Class learn about traditions, culture and prepare for their end of year celebration

This week’s class focused on Rosh Hashana, what the deep meaning of the holiday is and what traditions we keep during the holiday. We then moved on to planning the end of year celebration that we are very much looking forward to! Hard to believe this year has almost come to an end…

Hebrew Club Tasting test

This week we finished off the term with a tasting test.
Together we blind tasted the different “Simanim” of Rosh Hashana and had to guess what was what.
We then learnt the blessings, what each Siman stands for and put on our creative hats to try and think of new Simanim we would add to our Rosh Hashana table.

Camp prep is on its way!

We are so excited to be working on this years summer camp with Amelia Cohen-Smith!
This summer camp is going to be INCREDIBLE! With new, fun and unique adventures, experiences and activities, we know it will be an unforgettable one!!
Can’t wait!

Mazal Tov Sam & Sofia!

A weekend filled with celebrations is one to remember!
Thank you to all those that joined us for a kiddush this Shabbat! There was a warm, loving and exciting feeling in the air!
We loved seeing many come together to celebrate the love and excitement for the communities newlyweds.
Wishing both Sam and Sofia a life filled with love, mutual respect, individual growth and an everlasting friendship.

  • Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. We loved visiting some of you this week and are hoping to visit all of you when suits and when everyone is well enough. Until we see you again, know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!

Wishing you all a Shavua Tov, Shabbat Shalom and almost - Chag Sameach!
The Fogels

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Ha’Azinu


Shabbat Ki Tavo