Shabbat Ha’Azinu

Coming Up!


Join the next few events coming your way! SAVE THE DATES!

  • This Thursday night! Come meet two awesome short-term Shlichot from Israel. First beer on the house! More details on the ZF Facebook page.

  • An awesome 14+ programme happening at the AHC erev Chag Succot. Don’t miss out! Details in the poster 🙃

  • A young adults’ Sukkah party & dinner. Special guest speaker coming too - RSVP to US.

  • Last but not least! SUMMER CAMP 2022!!! If you haven’t signed up yet, you definitely want to get moving, we are minutes away from not having more space. Don’t wait for the last minute, we have an unforgettable camp coming your way!
    Juniors: 20th-25th December
    Seniors: 18th-25th December
    Please be aware spots are limited. We will notify you once we have reached capacity, and will send through the details for a waiting list form for families who have missed out. Link and poster attached below!


It’s been fun, crazy and amazing all at once!
Thank you to all the wonderful people who joined RH services, meals and programmes. It’s been a true marathon getting through everything and we’re enjoying the ride! In the pictures below are some of last week’s special moments..

  • Welcome to town Rabbi Moshe! We were very excited to meet Rabbi Moshe and welcome him to the community, and to our building! We have already enjoyed a homemade dinner together and are looking forward to planning many fun and meaningful events for the community to enjoy!

  • Welcome to the Goodmans! Our dear fellow Shlichim from Melbourne Australia have now finished their Shlichut and, before they head back home, have come to see the beautiful New Zealand. They will be joining the community for Yom Kippur and Succot and Motty will be assisting with services and more. Thank you and welcome!

  • Shalom Court hosts BA Madrichim! Thank you Bnei Akiva for creating such a special event and doing Kabbalat Shabbat together with the residents at Shalom Court. One of our most important Mitzvot is respecting and caring for the elderly and you all have definitely done that during your visit. Kol Hakavod Noa Grinberg for taking this initiative on and recruiting a great group of mads! To many more!

  • Visiting our loved community members. This week we were kindly hosted by Helen Stone. We loved seeing Helen and spending time with her, outside of Shul. We have a few more visits planned in the next few weeks. If you know anyone in the community who might need a friend to talk to, please feel free to reach out to us or Rabbi Moshe as, bewteen us, we would love to make sure everyone is looked after and cared for.

  • Our RH set up! Although we couldn’t take a picture on Chag and show everyone how amazing it was to see the gym filled, we were very excited to have 150 people over for a beautiful Rosh Hashana meal. We hope you all enjoyed and can’t wait to see you for the next Chag.

  • Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. We loved visiting some of you this week and are hoping to visit all of you when suits and when everyone is well enough. Until we see you again, know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!

Wishing you all a Shana Tova, may you all be sealed in the book of life and be granted with another year filled with health, happiness and unforgettable memories 💜
The Fogels

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Kohelet


Shabbat Nitzavim