Shabbat Ki Tavo

Coming Up!

Mazal Tov Sam & Sofia!

This Shabbat we will be celebrating the marriage of Sam & Sofia, so please join us for a special Kiddush in their honour. RSVP with Elisheva/Noam. May we share many more Smachot together!

Rosh Hashana TOGETHER!

We can finally celebrate together!!

We’re so thrilled to be able to invite you all to join us for a delicious meal catered by the Deli, this Rosh Hashana, Monday afternoon, first day of Chag. Bring your family and friends and let’s share a wonderful celebratory lunch together.

Please Sign up ASAP via the link below.

Bar & Bat Mitzvah Class experiences Biblical writing

This week’s class focused on the way the Torah, Mezuzot, Tefillin and more are written. Azriel joined the class and demonstrated his talent and skills, whilst showing everyone the different ways to write and decorate. He also explained the rules which must be kept in order for the writing to be “kosher”. We also spent time discussing the end of year celebration and the different thoughts and feelings we had throughout the year. It was a meaningful class!

Bnei Akiva Peula

This Sunday was definitely a fun one! With a great group of kids, Bnei Akiva held a Rosh Hashana Peula and prepared loads of fun, interesting and important activities about Rosh Hashana. The Chanichim loved their time with the mads and created beautiful things to take home. Thank you to BA for an awesome day and thank you Chanichim for coming and making it a special one!

Hebrew Club makes round Challot

This week we had the joy of learning about round Challah, traditionally made for Rosh Hashana. The kids all braided their own Challah and learnt about the different traditions, mitzvot and “Simanim”, symbols, on Rosh Hashana.
Together we spoke Hebrew, learnt how to bake using Hebrew words and learnt about the different traditions - IN HEBREW!
Excited to see everyone at next week’s class - last one for this term :/

  • Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. We loved visiting some of you this week and are hoping to visit all of you when suits and when everyone is well enough. Until we see you again, know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!

Wishing you all a Shavua Tov, Shabbat Shalom and almost - Chag Sameach!
The Fogels

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Nitzavim


Shabbat Shoftim