Parashat Tazria-Metzora
Rabbi’s Drosh
In this week’s Parasha we read about Tzara’at - this biblical skin disease which is often mistranslated as leprosy. The Talmud connects Tzara’at with Lashon Ha’ra (slander).
The Torah states, “This shall be the Torah of the Metzora (the person afflicted with Tzara’at)“ and we have the word ‘Torah’ connected with the disease five times throughout the Parasha. The Midrash further explains that the five mentions of the word Torah tell us that a person who speaks slander and is afflicted with Tzara’at as they had transgressed all five books of the Torah.
In every book of the Torah we can find a connection between speaking slander and the harsh consequences of doing so:
In Bereishit, Yosef brought a slanderous report against his brothers. Although he intended it to correct their ways, this act of slander set in motion a chain of events which ultimately led to the exile in Egypt.
In Shemot, Moshe got Tzara’at when he spoke badly about the nation of Israel.
In Vayikra, we have two whole parashot which discuss the laws and consequences of Tzara’at.
In Bamidbar, we have the sin of the spies slandering the land of Israel and the devastating consequence of 40 years in the desert.
In Divarim, there is a mitzvah to remember Miriam’s Lashon Ha’ra against Moshe as a warning to all of us to guard our speech.
We have so many warnings against evil speech, but these also contain a powerful message about good speech. How great will be the reward be for those who are able to guard their tongues and speak only good?
May we all be blessed to speak of and hear only good news.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Kosher Kiwi Factory Inspections Successful
Following our factory inspections we can confirm that Vogel’s Mixed Original Grain will be Kosher certified Dairy soon.
We are so excited to add this Kiwi favourite to our list of Kosher products.
Thank you Helen
A special big thank you to Helen Klisser for all her hard work and support in securing our new Kosher Kiwi relationship with Vogel’s.
It felt very appropriate to visit Vogels on Yom Hashoah with her, as Dad Hans Klisser was both the founder of Vogel’s and a Holocaust survivor.
Christian Supporters of Israel Conference
Deb and I were honoured to meet with various Christian leaders and organisations who are dedicated to supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Each year we gather with this group from around New Zealand exploring ways to stand with Israel.
Working with Bryce Turner
Introducing Bryce Turner of Christians for Israel! Many of you will recognise Bryce’s smiling face from various functions including Yom HaShoah, Yom Ha’Yikaron, Auschwitz. Now., Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Channukah in the Park, and more. Please introduce yourself to Bryce next time you see him and thank him for his work. We feel so blessed to have his ongoing support. To read more about his organisation, click on the link below.
Yom Hashoah
We joined together to mark Yom Hashoah and to honour the righteous among the nations. Within 48 hours, we lost Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. To read about his family’s amazing connection to the Shoah, click on the Yad Vashem link below.
Elim Hosts Auschwitz. Now. Exhibition
Deb MC’ed the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism Foundation Memorial Day event at Elim Christian College this week which included Perry and Sheree Trotter’s Shadows of Shoah stories. These are now available on their new App. Just search for Holocaust Foundation in the App Store. It’s free, has stories, articles and educational resources.