Parashat Shemini
Rabbi’s Drosh
This past week was a difficult one as we farewelled Graham Resnick. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gail, Tony, Geniene, Ariane and all the family.
This shabbat we read Parashat Shemini. We read about Aaron’s two sons offering an alien fire and immediately dying. We read that in response to his sons’ deaths, Aaron remains silent.
The Talmud explores a variety of explanations for what they did wrong to be punished so severely, but regardless of the reason, we learn something powerful from Aaron’s reaction about dealing with tragedy.
“Perhaps silence is much more powerful than words and reflects the fact that G-d’s ways are above and beyond our human understanding.”
Perhaps silence is much more powerful than words and reflects the fact that G-d’s ways are above and beyond our human understanding.
If this is the case when we talk about the two sons of Aaron, how much more so it is incomprehensible to understand the Shoah.
On Yom Hashoah, standing in silence, we mirror the powerful actions of Aaron as we also deal with our grief for the six million Jewish men, women and children murdered in the Holocaust. May their memories be a blessing to us all. We will not forget them.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Pesach Marathon!!!
What a marathon of services, programmes, meals and matza we had this year!
A huge thank you to all of our team of staff and volunteers for all the hard work to enable us to celebrate this special festival of freedom.
לשנה הבאה בירושלים
Next year in Jerusalem!!!
Honouring Gavin’s Memory
It has been four years since our Head Gabbai and friend Gavin Berman passed away. This week we remembered Gavin with the mitzvah of putting up a new Mezuzah and having a special minyan in his honour.
T'Fillah with Achiya
Thank you to Achiya’s Kadimah friends for welcoming him to their T’f'illah and being such good role models with their beautiful davening.
Pesach in Preschool
Together with Achiya, we had the pleasure of enjoying Pesach songs and learning with Preschool.
We learned together about the Afikomen and the children showed us what they had made for their seder.
Working with Vogel’s
It has been an exciting time working with the team at Vogel’s to look at their ingredients and processes to explore Kosher Kiwi certification.
In the coming week, I will be doing a factory inspection and will update you all on our progress. What a wonderful way to head back into enjoying our Chametz after Pesach!
Top Tips for Feeling at Home in Shul
From greetings, to when to sit and stand, to tips for using the prayer book, this quick five minute video has ideas for feeling comfortable is the Synagogue. Plus special information for those wishing to say Kaddish.
Learning about the Song by the Sea
This week at Kadimah we learned about the Song by the Sea and what the People of Israel experienced on the seventh day of the very first Pesach. We talked about the power of faith!