Parashat Acharei Mot - Kedoshim
Rabbi’s Drosh
This week Deb and I had a clash of events which meant we had to choose between learning about new Jewish Lives and creating new Jewish Lives!
You see, we had been invited to the launch of the new Jewish Lives Website and were excited to find out more about this important initiative. At the same time, on very short notice, Rabbi Gutnick of the Sydney Beit Din was able to come to New Zealand and 15 of the participants in our conversion programme (and 3 from Wellington) were given the first opportunity since before COVID19 for final interviews and - all going well - conversion.
This weeks Parasha deals with Jewish life too - the sacredness of life.
Looking back at our lives is sacred. Remembering our history like we did during the past weeks with Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron, like the new Jewish Lives project is, and like we will this Shabbat with our Anzac service.
Looking forward at our lives in sacred too. Being part of the journey which those in community going through conversion undertake is an amazing example of the sacred nature of looking forward at our lives. It is sacred to consider how we can lead holier lives in the future and to take steps to do so.
Perkei Avot (the Ethics of the Fathers) sums up this balance of looking back and looking forward and gives us the key to getting the balance right. It reads;“Know from where you came and where you are going and before whom you are destined to give account and reckoning”.
Ultimately, this third component (knowing before whom you are destined to give account) is the compass we need in order to navigate the past, present and future. So often we get distracted by the things that don’t matter when trying to make decisions about what does matter. Keeping in mind that we are accountable to Hashem can help keep us on track.
This week 18 more souls entered the community of Israel committing to being accountable to Hashem. We wish them all the best on their Jewish journey and look forward to welcoming them into the community officially this Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Welcome Back Rabbi Gutnick
We have been anxiously waiting for the opportunity to deal with Beit Din matters, including conversions. Now the border is finally open. On the first day it was possible to return to New Zealand, the Rabbi came! It was a whirl wind 24 hours including 18 conversions. We look forward to more visits and opportunities for meetings with the Rabbi.
Yom Hazikaron
Each year, when I present at Yom Hazikaron, I am taken back to my time serving in IDF and always to the tragic day when we lost my dear friend Benaya. Each year I take time to remember.
The word zachor (remember) in Hebrew is strong word. It is not a suggestion, but rather, it is a commandment. We must remember!
A Marathon of Conversions
We made history this week with 18 conversions in one day bringing 18 new Jewish souls to the New Zealand Jewish community (15 from Auckland and three from Wellington). It was a marathon of a day, but a short wait compared to the months of border restrictions putting conversion of hold for the families and individuals waiting to join the Jewish people.
A huge thank you to Rabbi Gutnick of the Sydney Beit Din, Rabbi and Rebbitzen Tal from Wellington, and the catering of Esther and Jeremy Steinberg and the Kosher Deli for all their hard work supporting the newest members of the tribe.
Channukat Habayit for David
Mazel Tov to David on his Channukat Habayit. It was very special to put up his Mezuzot - this is one of the important steps in making a house into a Jewish home!
For those moving house, please contact the Rabbi if you would like help affixing your Mezuzah.
An Historic Moment with Mayer
This week we had the honour of hosting Mayer Golditch from Wellington. Mayer is the son of the late Dayan Isaac Golditch of the Manchester Beit Din who was present at the opening of our Shul 53 years ago.
Mayer remembers the event well and spoke fondly of many of those who attended but are sadly no longer with us, including praising the then-young architect John Goldwater.
He even brought his original programme from the event to show us, complete with old photographs of construction of the ‘new‘ Shul and also those of the ‘old‘ Princess Street Shul.
First Minyan with Our Newest Members of the Tribe
A real highlight to have Mark, Sam, Robbie and Grant help us make our minyan this week. These men are minyan regulars and it gave us all such joy to see them go into the mikveh first thing in the morning so they would not miss another opportunity to make up the minyan!
Catching up with Anatoli
I was very inspired this week when I caught up with Anatoli. The losses in our community in the last month (including his late wife Helen, Frances husband - Jack, Gail’s husband - Graham, Shirley’s husband - Sam) have all been examples of the power of love and dedication for one’s husband or wife. We wish them all long life and wonderful memories.
Working with Rabbi Tal
After weeks of Zoom meetings and phone calls, it has been so nice to get to work face-to-face with Rabbi Tal from Wellington this week.
We really appreciate the opportunities we get to collaborate with WJCC on matters such as Kashrut, Beit Din matters, events and Mikveh design.
Come visit us again soon Rabbi Tal!