Parashat Emor
Rabbi’s Drosh
This week’s Parasha is rich with laws and lessons, but I want to focus on just one line.
“And God spoke to Moses, saying: Instruct Aaron and his sons to be scrupulous about the sacred donations that the Israelite people consecrate to Me.“
Why was it necessary to instruct the Cohenim to be scrupulous about the offerings which the people of Israel brought? The answer is a powerful lesson for all of us.
In Temple times there were different offerings being brought from different people everyday. A wealthy Jew might bring a flock of cattle, while a poor Jew might bring flour. The message from Hashem is clear. Every offering is precious to Me. Everyone is worthy of bringing their gifts!
This is one of the themes we see each year at Shavuot Tikkun Leil - the festival of learning which we will celebrate on the evening of Sunday the 16th of May. Community members are not expected to be great Torah scholars to teach us something on the evening. They are simply asked to bring their gifts - learning, stories, experiences, insights and so on.
As Perkei Avot says, “Who is wise? He learns from every man (person)“.
This shabbat we wish Mazel Tov to the Lord family as they celebrate Alessia’s Bat Mitzvah and Mazel Tov to Teddi, Hannah and Ben as they FINALLY get to see Ben read his portion in Shul for his Bar Mitzvah Anniversary after lockdown prevented him from doing so last year. A hearty Mazel Tov to both families!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler