Parashat Emor
Rabbi’s Drosh
This week’s Parasha is rich with laws and lessons, but I want to focus on just one line.
“And God spoke to Moses, saying: Instruct Aaron and his sons to be scrupulous about the sacred donations that the Israelite people consecrate to Me.“
Why was it necessary to instruct the Cohenim to be scrupulous about the offerings which the people of Israel brought? The answer is a powerful lesson for all of us.
“ The message from Hashem is clear. Every offering is precious to Me. Everyone is worthy of bringing their gifts!”
In Temple times there were different offerings being brought from different people everyday. A wealthy Jew might bring a flock of cattle, while a poor Jew might bring flour. The message from Hashem is clear. Every offering is precious to Me. Everyone is worthy of bringing their gifts!
This is one of the themes we see each year at Shavuot Tikkun Leil - the festival of learning which we will celebrate on the evening of Sunday the 16th of May. Community members are not expected to be great Torah scholars to teach us something on the evening. They are simply asked to bring their gifts - learning, stories, experiences, insights and so on.
As Perkei Avot says, “Who is wise? He learns from every man (person)“.
This shabbat we wish Mazel Tov to the Lord family as they celebrate Alessia’s Bat Mitzvah and Mazel Tov to Teddi, Hannah and Ben as they FINALLY get to see Ben read his portion in Shul for his Bar Mitzvah Anniversary after lockdown prevented him from doing so last year. A hearty Mazel Tov to both families!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
A Shabbat to Remember!
Thank you to Ana, Shirley, the Whites, the Mackies and the Benedictos for sharing their Simcha with the community and hosting us for a celebratory kiddush.
Welcome to AHC! It is wonderful to have 15 new members joining our community!
Anzac Day Remembrance Service
We had a meaningful ANZAC service on Shabbat as we remembered those who fought for New Zealand.
Roger Moses spoke about his late Uncle Ken who served for New Zealand and never returned from the Battle of Crete. To read more, click below.
Wonderful to Have the ‘Kids‘ Back!
It was a great joy this week in Shul to see Saatchi Goldwater, Rael Kwasnik, Erez Ben Menachem and Greg Scher, who all came over to New Zealand from Australia to visit family.
We would love to catch up with the ‘kids and grandkids‘ from across the ditch. Please bring them to Shul when they come to visit!
Hosting Chazzan David Brykman
Another exciting opportunity with the border with Australia opening! The Chazzan of Mizrahi Shul is in New Zealand and will be davening in our Shul this Shabbat. It has been a pleasure planning with David, who has over 30 years experience, and we are so looking forward to hearing him.
New Zealand at Hidon HaTanakh
Over the past two weeks Yedidya has been representing our community and New Zealand online at the famous Israel Bible Contest, the finals of which are televised each year in Israel. This represents months of study for Yedidya and we are so proud of him and to have New Zealand represented!
Getting Ready for Shavuot
We have been working with an amazing line up of speakers this year for 5-6 minute talks for Shavuot Tikkun Leil on the evening on Sunday 16th May.
Part 1 - Power of Words
This section will explore different Jewish prayers and texts from Tanach, to the Shema, to the Ethics of the Fathers…
Part 2 -Armchair Travel
Part 2 will see us go around the Jewish world from the streets of Hungary, to the Philippines, to the UAE and beyond!
‘Assistant’ to the Converts
Kol Hakavod to Hillel for all his work our converts. Hillel’s dedication to conversion was recognised last year by Rabbi Sacks and he is very passionate about this holy work. From his special Converts Whatsapp group, to practical support in services, to chevruta study on Shabbat and festivals, Hillel’s dedication to his “Crew“ makes a huge difference in their journey.