Shabbat Tazria-Metzora


B&B Mitzvah Class

Did you know that the small piece of bread we separate from the whole loaf was the first to be named “Challah” and with time we have adjusted and called the rest of the loaf Challah? Can men do the Mitzvah of separating the dough (hafrashat Challah) or is it a woman’s mitzvah?
This week’s class focused on Challah, its history, the mitzvot and the different traditions people have for Challah making.
We couldn’t resist giving our class the whole experience and together we made Challah, braided it and together performed the mitzvah of Hafrashat Challah. At the end, the class ate their Challot and, those who could, saved some for home.

Hebrew Club celebrates Israel!

No better way to end the term than with the celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut!
Pitot & homemade Hummus were just part of the celebration, learning more Hebrew was also part!
Love teaching you all and looking forward to many more fun and important classes together!

Taste of Memories

Hard to put such a special, tough yet important night into words…
With the most amazing company and a great group of chefs, we remembered the fallen soldiers with their favorite recipes.
Watching videos about the wars they were killed in, childhood pictures and hearing from friends of theirs - who they were and what they were like - was part of our task to remember.
Together, the group cooked up a storm and remembered the soldiers who loved homemade meals when returning home from a tough few weeks in the army.
Thank you all for coming and participating.

Wishing you all a meaningful week.
Sending lots of love,
Shabbat Shalom!
The Fogels

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim


Shabbat Shmini