Shabbat Matot-Masei


  • BA KAB SHAB- This Friday night! Don’t miss out! Details below

  • BM CLASS- This Sunday! Back to back we will be having more fun together and making sure we get in as many classes as possible before this year ends!

  • JNA- 11/8, Come discover some of the best tastes of Machane Yehuda. *Please make sure to RSVP. Pickup at 9:00PM.

  • COMMUNITY LUNCH- 13/8, Bring your loved ones and join a delicious lunch with our very loved community members. Please sign up via THIS LINK-

  • BAR IVRIT- If your 18+ and haven’t been finding the right program to join, BAR IVRIT is for you! Join us for a night filled with laughter, beer and conversations in Hebrew (which will be awesome once we have all had some beers). Please RSVP at the Shlichim if you are planning on attending.

Limmud 2022 - Wellington!
This year’s Limmud will be in Wellington, August 27-28. We can’t wait to participate and have enjoyed being part of the programme planning. We encourage you all to attend Limmud - a Shabbat together in Wellington as a community sounds great to us!!

Last week..

Bar & Bat Mitzvah class

This weeks class split into two different parts.
Part one was finishing a very deep subject we started several weeks ago when visiting the Jewish cemetery on K road.
Death, grieving ('evel’) and the different steps we follow once in that unfortunate situation.
Part two began to discuss Havdalah and the different ceremonies we have in Judaism. Together we began making a Havdala set by creating our own scented bags (‘Be’Samim). We hope to be able to make Havdala candles too!

Good things cooking

Without spoiling too much, we are so excited for two new BIG initiatives coming your way.
ZF, Chabbad, we’re all working as one to create some great stuff for you and we can’t wait to reveal the fun coming your way..
(Hint: youth, ladies and more.. )

  • Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. We have loved visiting some of you this week and are hoping to visit all of you when suits and when everyone is well enough. Until we see you again, know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!

  • Mazkirut meeting with BA- good things coming ahead! Alongside the awesome Kab Shab planned for this Friday night, we will be having loads of fun things coming up, keep an eye out!

Wishing you all a Shavua Tov and Shabbat Shalom!
The Fogels

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!

Mikveh Notice:
Please note bookings for the Mikveh will now be back to normal and you can book through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Devarim


Shabbat Pinchas