Shabbat Shemini
Purim FUN!
We had such a blast celebrating Purim last week with all ages and stages of the community.
We started off with team Bnei Akiva, making and delivering delicious, beautiful Mishloch Manot, then we moved on to our celebrations with Kadimah on zoom. We then met at the small Shul to dance and read the Megillah with the preschool and, finally, celebrated with the wider community at an awesome evening at the AHC with an outstanding circus show, Megillah reading and lots of delicious food! Find below pictures from all celebrations, L’eshana Habaa B’Yerushalaim! (or Remuera..)
Havdalah together
We are so excited to be able to do Havdalah together again! Every Saturday night we end the week on a high note whilst singing Havdalah - it’s a very short, sweet way to end your Shabbat. Please join us for this week’s Havdalah at 8:10 PM on the spot! Bring your Havdalah set if you have one :) Looking forward!
Pesach & Shavuot Preparations underway…….
If you are looking for somewhere to spend the first night of Pesach, please give us/Azriel/the office a shout out so we can ensure you spend the first night with your AHC family.
If you would like to be a speaker in the community Tikkun Leil, we’d love to hear from you!
You might think the chagim are far but they’re just around the corner and we like to be well prepared in advance to ensure you receive the very best community events. So give us a hand and some volunteering spirits and let us know if you can lend a hand!
If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!
Hope to see you all at our upcoming events!
Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom too,
The Fogels
Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust