Shabbat Zachor Parashat Terumah



Bar & Bat Mitzvah class 2021

This will be our third (and a half) group we have the privllige to teach and support throughout this exciting year.
It’s always fascinating hearing how each student connects and relates to Judaism and Israel.
We can’t wait to meet our class and we hope it will be an amazing, uneventful and healthy year for all of us.


Conversational Hebrew Club

We hope that this class will be face-to-face! We will resume our lessons every Monday at 3:15 at Kadimah.
Anyone interested in joining and strengthening their “conversational Hebrew” is more than welcome!

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This Tuesday, 23 February at 7:30 pm at the AHC.
We are SO HAPPY to be back with our yearly JNA and are so excited for this week’s BONFIRE!
Please meet us at the AHC for a fun and bonding night with some yummy food!
Make sure you bring along a warm sweater and an outgoing spirit! Can’t wait to see you there!
RSVP at the Shlichim: 021-488-050

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Megilah Reading at the AHC

Please join the community this Thursday (25/2) at 7:00 pm for Mincha and at 7:30 pm for Megilah reading at the AHC.
Friday morning at 7:00 am there will also be a reading.
Hope to see you there!

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Ladies’ Night

Unfortunately our fun ladies’ night has had to be postponed due to Auckland going into level 3.
Although we had almost 20 women signed up and had done lots of preparation behind the scenes, we had to pause the excitement and will wait until the time is right.
We are hoping that by next week we will be out of level 3 and be allowed to go ahead with this event. The ladies will need pampering time for themselves more than ever.
If Covid-19 allows us, we would appreciate your new RSVP’s at Elisheva- 021-488050.

A small reminder about this evening:

A few months ago I discovered this unbelievable beautician.
Professional, natural, gentle and extremely sweet.
She makes her way to Auckland every week to treat ladies in the city and works her magic on many happy clients. I wish I had a before and after picture but I can honestly say, I put on a lot less make up thanks to her.

MONDAY (15/3) 7:30PM, she is coming to give YOU some of her knowledge and some basic tips that can change your face.

Please join in for a ladies’ night with healthy nourishing food and a session with Laura at our apartment.

You are welcome to bring your usual facial products and Laura will give you some guidance on how and what will fit your skin type best.


Attached is a link to Laura’s business page and of course, an amazing review (with a before/after picture) on her outstanding care.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Laura will be selling products she imports to NZ at the end of the night, for those interested.

Last week!


Mazal Tov Adam!

We were so sad to miss Adam’s Bar Mitzvah.
From day one, Adam came to classes with an outgoing, loving and accepting nature.
Extremely mature and kind, Adam led the group many times in a quiet and humble way.
His wise and kind actions speak for themselves and we had the honor of teaching him this year.
We may not have been there in person but we were definitely there in spirit.
Mazal tov Adam and the whole family!

Bnei Akiva Seminar in Waihi

After years of having Veida “the boring” style, we were able to get out and away and were fortunate to have spent the weekend in Waihi.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Halpern Flacks family for allowing us to crash at their bach with 20 Bnei mads.
Millions of meals and lots of fun led us into a wonderful Shabbat and a long and meaningful Veida on Sunday.
We are happy to announce Bnei Akiva’s new Mazkirut:

Merakezet - Sacha Sampson

Sgan Merakezet - Florence Cohen-Smith

Gizbar - Josh Korpus

Rosh Auckland - Daniela Koningham

Rosh Wellington - Nathan Samson

Here are some pictures from what was a great time…


Navigating Halachic Conflicts in Modern Times

We would like to thank Rabbi Professor Adam S. Ferziger for taking the time and giving the Auckland Jewish community such a fascinating shiur.
We loved seeing many people join the shiur and most of all enjoyed the accepting, knowledgeable and warm atmosphere the Rabbi created. There were tricky subjects and questions yet Rabbi Adam managed to answer them all in the best way possible.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy and active week to come,
The Fogels

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Parashat Tetzaveh


Shabbat Mishpatim