Shabbat Va’iera
We hope you had an amazing summer filled with memories, adventures and relaxation.
We have relocated our home, office and almost every other aspect of our life, and are now in REMUERA!
We are SO EXCITED to be at the new site so soon and until then are enjoying getting to know the neighborhood.
Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. Know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!
Shabbat Shalom :)
The Fogels
If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programs, bravery notices, and more - now’s the time!!
Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.