Shabbat Lech Lecha

Shabbat Project 2022

The Shabbat Project is an international grassroots movement which brings together Jews from all walks of life and all levels of observance to keep one Shabbat, celebrated in a spirit of global Jewish unity. First launched in South Africa in 2013, the Shabbat Project has, through a team of trailblazing volunteer partners, spread to over 1500 cities and 100 countries.

The concept is simple: Jews from across the spectrum – religious, secular and traditional, young and old, from all corners of the world – unite to experience one full Shabbat together.

This year in Auckland we will be celebrating the Shabbat project in two different platforms:

A country wide women’s Challah bake on Nov 10th in Greenlane.

A community lunch on Nov 12th at the AHC.

See details and sign ups below!

The Great Big Challah Bake is on for the 4th time here in Auckland, New Zealand!

We are so excited to invite you and your family, friends and any loved ones, to join the Women’s Annual Challah Bake!
Important information:
-There is limited on-site parking and more parking spots on the main road leading to the hall. We kindly request you leave the on-site parking for those who need it most.
-You will be baking your Challah at home, please bring your own container to take your Challah back in.
-We have a special programme planned for the evening, keep an eye out for more details to come!
-If you are coming from outside of Auckland, please feel free to let us know how we can help!
10 NOVEMBER 2022, 6-9PM.
Link for sign ups attached below!
Feel free to reach out for any further questions or thoughts:
ELISHEVA 021.488.050
YAEL 022.042.8900

Community Lunch

Please join us as we come in together to celebrate the Shabbat project.
Together we will join thousands of Jews from around the world celebrating Shabbat at the same time (more or less:)). It is all about UNITY. Please make the effort be there.
Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying a delicious lunch together. Link to sign up attached below.

  • SUMMER CAMP 2022!!! If you haven’t signed up yet, you definitely want to get moving, we are minutes away from not having more space. Don’t wait for the last minute, we have an unforgettable camp coming your way!
    Juniors: 20th-25th December
    Seniors: 18th-25th December
    Please be aware spots are limited. We will notify you once we have reached capacity, and will send through the details for a waiting list form for families who have missed out. Link and poster attached below!


Thank you Lisa Cohen-Smith and the AHC Board for a beautiful Kiddush this past Shabbat in shule.
We felt loved and appreciated and wish to thank you also for all the work you do, the work we can see but mainly, the work we can’t and don’t know about.
We enjoy working together and look forward to another successful year of joint projects and community fun.

Hebrew Club learns animals!

Yesterday’s Hebrew class focused on the names of animals in Hebrew. Together we learnt how to pronounce, write and remember the Hebrew name of the animals. It was a full class (with four students missing) and despite being many people, it was great learning with lots of smiles, fun and knowledge being passed on.

Bar & Bat Mitzvah class preps for the big day!

The end of the year is on its way and we are so excited to be planning and preparing for the end of year celebration.
The students are all required to look back at their studies, experiences and rewind the memories in order to create their end of year project. Some have chosen to physically create a model, picture or painting or even cook some traditional food. Others have put time and effort into making slide shows and wonderful speeches. We are so excited to host the upcoming celebration and help another wonderful group graduate their Bar & Bat Mitzvah class.

P.s- we also had Belgian waffles to ensure we kicked off class with a high!:)

Refuah Shlema to all community members feeling sick or needing extra care. We loved visiting some of you this week and are hoping to visit all of you when suits and when everyone is well enough. Until we see you again, know we are thinking of you all and missing seeing your faces in our community!

Looking forward to seeing you all join this year’s Shabbat project!💜
The Fogels

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Rachel at the office. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Vayeira


Shabbat Noach