Parashat Vayikra
Rabbi’s Drosh
Dear Friends,
This year we are about to experience a very unique Erev Pesach.
Next Shabbat, 27th of March, is the Eve of Pesach, with the first night Seder only starting once Shabbat is out.
What are the special laws when the eve of Pesach falls on Shabbat?
1. Fast of the First Born
The fast is being pushed forward to Thursday 25th March to avoid fasting on Shabbat or on Friday before Shabbat. Customarily the fast is redeemed with a special Siyum, a celebratory meal for finishing a tractate of Talmud.
We will have a minyan Thursday morning 7am followed by a Siyum and a light kiddush.
2. Bedikat Chametz (The Search for Leavened Bread)
Usually the search of Chametz is done the night before the Seder. As it will be Friday night , the search is pushed forward to Thursday night 25th March, with the following blessing:
ברוך אתה ה' אלו-הינו מלך העולם אשר קידשנו במצוותיו וציוונו על ביעור חמץ.
Blessed are you Hashem our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with his commandments, and has commanded us concerning the removal of Chametz.
3. Burning of Chametz
As this year erev Pesach is Shabbat, we cannot burn Chametz on Shabbat. Therefore it must be burnt or destroyed and sold by Friday 26 March 12:27 pm.
Don’t forget to fill in the Sale of Chametz Form so we can sell your Chametz.
4. How Must One Have Shabbat Meals This Erev Pesach?
Although by Shabbat the house will be already clean and clear from all the Chametz, one should keep four little challah rolls or pitot in a separate container away from all the Kosher L’Pesach food and dishes. This is in order to be able to ensure we can still have the Friday night and Shabbat morning Seudot (special meals) with bread. Please note we must use Challah and not Matza as we are prohibited to eat Matza before the Seder night. This prohibition is in place because one should be excited to eat the Matza on the first night of Pesach.
The chametz should be eaten separately (preferably outside the house) and make sure all the chametz crumbs are thrown outside, or collect the leftovers carefully and dispose of them by putting them down the toilet.
On Shabbat morning we will start the service at 7:45 am to allow people to go back home and eat the final Chametz before 11:27 am, and dispose of all the leftovers by 12:27 pm. Remember to use paper plates and not your Kosher L’Pesach dishes!
The annulment of Chametz should be said then:
כל חמירא וחמיעא דאיכא ברשותי, דחזיתי ודלא חזיתי, דחמיתי ודלא חמיתי ,דביערתה ודלא ביערתיה, יבטל והווי הפקר כעפרא דארעא
Any Chametz or leaven that is in my possession, whether I have recognised it or not, whether I have seen or not, whether I have removed it or not, should be annulled and become ownerless like the dust of the earth.
The rest of the meal should be done with only Kosher L’Pesach food inside the house with your Kosher L’Pesach dishes. The third Shabbat meal should be done on fruit or Kosher L’Pesach items and does not require Challah rolls.
Maariv for the first night Pesach will be at 7 pm, candle lighting AFTER 8:01 pm.
Wishing you all חג כשר ושמח!
Rabbi N Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
PJ Library Jewish Books Project
Achiya received his first PJ Library book this week and it was love at first sight!
This amazing initiative sees special Jewish themed books delivered free to your child throughout the year.
If you have young children aged 6 months – 8 years, you can have access to these wonderful books. Click below to sign up your child!
Another New Kosher Kiwi Client!
South Pacific Salt is the latest client to sign up to Kosher Kiwi. Another beautiful Kiwi export with funky branding and now also with our kashrut certification.
Level Two T’fillah and Learning
We worked with the Kadimah students to do our T’fillah and Learning under the COVID19 Level 2 Restrictions. It is wonderful to be finished with our socially distanced T’fillah and Learning and be able to daven altogether in the Shul again.
Welcoming the New Month
I want to say a big thank you to all of those who attended our Rosh Chodesh Minyan as we came together to welcome in and to bless the new month of Nissan.
With Pesach falling in the month of Nissan, this is the month of our Freedom, and a powerful time for prayer.
May Hashem bless us all with an amazing and meaningful month of miracles!
Pesach Preparations Full Steam Ahead
Our team is busy preparing for Pesach with the Kosher L’Pesach stock flooding in, preparations for turning over the AHC and Deli kitchens underway, information being generated for members, and all of our service preparations for over Pesach.
Off to the US for Kosher Kiwi Client
Frooze balls are hitting the US market with the new Kosher flavour “Peanut Butter and Jelly“! This week I visited their factory for their inspection and got a sneak preview. Look out for them in your local supermarket too alongside the other Kosher flavours.
Rabbi Birnbaum Supporting AHC and WJCC
This week Rabbi Tal and I were fortunate to have a zoom session with our Amiel teacher in Israel, Rabbi Eliyahu Birnbaum.
Rabbi Tal and I were able to outline some of the local halachic challenges we are facing in New Zealand and get his guidance on how best to address them.
Thank you to Rabbi Birnbaum for sharing his knowledge and his ongoing support.
Drop in for a Cuddle!
Would you like to drop in for a cuddle with baby Achiya? If you would like to make a time to visit after Pesach, please get in touch with Deb to arrange a date with Achiya!
We had a great time this week when Eunice and Many Harris popped in to say hello. We wish Eunice a speedy recovery and refuah shelema.