Parashat Tzav / Shabbat HaGadol
Rabbi’s Drosh
Pesach preparations are full swing ahead for the team at AHC, the Kosher Deli and the members of the community. It always seems that right when we are completely overwhelmed with Pesach preparations, Hashem throws other challenges our way! We wish Elisheva a speedy recovery and hope she can enjoy full seders with her family and the community.
The lessons of the Seder night are parallel to our bitter-sweet life experiences. We take the bitter herbs which remind us of the difficulty of slavery and eat them with the sweet Charoset. We eat Matza (bread of affliction) but we drink four cups of wine (like Kings). Taking the bitter and sweet together is the essence of life.
Our thoughts and prayers are also with Shirley Kwasnik who lost Sam and Frances Levy-Leigh who lost Jack this week. Deb and I have watched with admiration as both of these strong women have taken the bitter and the sweet together as they have cared for loved ones with dementia. We have learned a lot from our conversations with them over the past months and wanted to share a few of the lessons they have inspired us with.
It’s important to laugh!
In situations in life where things are tough and one can either laugh or cry, try to find the humour in the situation. Shirley had our whole family in fits of laughter recounting how relieved she was that she had brought grape juice and not wine one Friday night, because Sam - not realising he had already done Kiddush - insisted on repeating it over again!
Seek Strength in Jewish Learning, Practice and Community
When you are caring for someone, you need to also try to find time to fill your own spiritual tank with sweetness. For Shirley, joining us for a meal or coming to Shul helped recharge her batteries. For Frances, attending a class with other warm students of Torah was a welcome distraction.
Giving to Others
Although caring for a loved one with dementia can be all-consuming, we continue to be inspired by the amount both of these women thought of and gave to others around them. Instead of letting the bitterness of dementia consume them, they made sure they were adding sweetness to the lives of others.
We hope you all have meaningful seders with your friends, family and community.
Shabbat Shalom and Pesach Kasher v’Sameach,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Lunch and Learn
This week’s Lunch and Learn was of particular interest to me as a Prison Chaplain. Esther Haver shared with us about the work that she does working with prisoners whilst the Lunch and Learn crew enjoyed another delicious meal from the Shalom Court volunteers.
Bris with Doctor Young
I was blessed this week to be able to once again perform the mitzvah of Brit Milah with Tarryn and Lance Crooks for their son under the medical supervision of our friend Dr. Young.
Tarryn and Lance have chosen the name Joshua for their beautiful baby boy.
Channukat HaBayit for Richard
Mazel Tov to Richard on putting up his Mezuzah. If you are moving house, order your AHC Mezuzah via the link below and book the Rabbi to put it up.
Matza for Residents
I have to say that Matza does not usually put a big smile on my face (unless it has really good toppings to hide the taste!). However the residents of Shalom Court seemed genuinely happy to receive their Matza deliveries and have a pre-Pesach catch up.
Mikveh Inspection
Did you know that a lot goes into maintaining our community Mikveh? From inspections from the Sydney Beit Din, to regular checks by the Rabbi, to ongoing maintenance from Claudio. This week I completely my pre-Pesach inspection. All is in order and ready for your Pesach dishes!
The Perks of Kosher Kiwi
People often ask Deb and I about whether it is hard managing all the travel for Kosher Kiwi inspections. While the early morning flights and times away from the family can sometimes be a bit tiring, the early morning sunrises like this one last week are breath-taking!
“How wondrous are Your creations Hashem!“ - Tehillim 104:24.
Achiya’s Catch Up with the Jaffes
Thank you to Michael and Evelyn for hosting us at St Andrew’s this week.
Evelyn was especially excited that we brought Matza as she loves the taste so much that she eats it all year round!