Parashat Toldot
Rabbi’s Drosh
Every year I am inspired by the messages which we find in Parashat Toldot about how powerful prayer is and how powerful blessings can be.
The Torah tells us that Rebecca cannot have children and that Isaac prays for his wife 'opposite her'. The Midrash explains that each of them davened (prayed) in different corners of the tent for a child, and ultimately their prayers were answered.
What made their prayers so powerful?
Rashi explains that Rebecca was praying for Isaac and Isaac was praying for Rebecca. Isaac was praying to Hashem that the child was not for him, but for his wife, who yearned for a child. Rebecca was pleading to Hashem for a child for Isaac, who was growing old but still had not had the child that would lead to the promise of him becoming a great nation being fulfilled.
The Talmud explains the one who prays for another person first, has his prayers answered first.
Praying for another person also connects us to that person in a powerful way. Many times I have been asked to pray for someone who is sick and I always feel something spiritual when I have the opportunity to meet that person who I have prayed for.
Another beautiful message in the example of Isaac and Rebecca’s prayers can be found when considering that neither of them davened with a minyan. During the these summer months we are blessed to be celebrating Bat Mitzvah after Bat Mitzvah. The girls who lead the Friday night service daven without the minyan, with beautiful and powerful prayers, just like their foremother Rebecca did before them.
Mazel Tov to Issi and the Silverman and Brenner families as they celebrate this exciting simcha with our community.
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Haftorah Club
We are thrilled that 30 people have signed up to learn Haftorah through our new Haftorah club.
A big thank you to Many Harris for establishing our the club! It has been a pleasure to work with Many on this project and we look forward to our first session on Sunday the 29th of November.
It is not too late to join! Please contact the AHC Office for more details.
Kosher Kiwi Kibbutz Connections
While doing a factory inspection in Dunedin this week, I had the opportunity to catch up with a client with an interesting connection to a Kibbutz in Israel, which sources and imports their products all the way from New Zealand!
Wednesday Night Parashah Class
Join us fortnightly to learn new insights into the weekly parashot.
This week we had a fun and lively look into the how Isaac and Rebecca came to be married. Click below to learn more!
Reflecting on Rabbi Lord Sacks in New Zealand
Unfortunately our service to honour Rabbi Lord Sacks has been postponed due to the recent COVID19 scare, but we did have a meaningful week with planning and connecting with those who knew and travelled with the Rabbi and Lady Elaine, seen here at Hobbiton during their trip to New Zealand last year.
Planning with Bella
As many of you will have read, Bella Norton’s Bat Mitzvah was also postponed because of the COVID19 scare.
We will be celebrating with Bella in December and can’t wait to hear some of the learning she has undertaken this year.
Making Friends
Achiya caught up with the Arielis this week and was very excited to get a cuddle with Emma and Sophia. The girls have always enjoyed coming to Deb’s Friday night Kids’ classes and used to talk to Achiya when he was still in Deb’s belly! Finally he had an opportunity to talk back!
Practicing with Issi for Friday
We were so impressed with Issi Silverman’s dedication as she attending her final practice for the Bat Mitzvah even though the practice was on her birthday, and she had just climbed Rangitoto, and she had lost her voice!!! Well done Issi! We can’t wait to see you in action this Friday.
Awesome Ariela!
I met with Ariela this week when I was in the South Island for inspections. Our income from Kosher Kiwi since I arrived six years ago has increased by over 180% thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Kosher Kiwi team.