Parashat Chayei Sarah
Rabbi’s Drosh
We are all heartbroken this week with the unexpected passing of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks.
The Rabbi's contribution and legacy is unparalleled in our times. There isn't a Jewish community in the world which has not been reached by his teachings, including many of us here in New Zealand who follow his weekly commentary on the Parasha.
We are particularly grateful for the time that the Rabbi and Lady Elaine spent in New Zealand in December less than a year ago for what we now know was his last holiday.
In this week’s Torah reading Chayei Sarah we learn about the effort Avraham made to buy a burial plot for Sarah who passed away at the age of 127. The Torah says Avraham came to eulogise Sarah and to cry for her. The question is asked why this order. Normally the tears come as a person passes away and the eulogy only comes later at the funeral. Avraham is teaching us an amazing lesson. A eulogy is about the past - the things Sarah did and what he will miss. This is something to be shared with everybody. But the cry is for the future as even at 127, and with all she had achieved, Avraham cries for the potential as she still had so much more she could have contributed.
We all feel the same way about Rabbi Sacks. Rabbi Sacks wrote his first book at the age of 40 and published on average a book a year. His contribution is enormous and yet we cry for the loss of how much more he could have written and taught to the world.
Our mission is to continue his legacy by learning and sharing his teachings to future generations and to follow his and Lady Elaine’s example of being a light unto the nations. Join us this Sunday as we honour his memory.
From mourning to celebration! We are blessed this Shabbat to celebrate with Bella Norton and the Norton and Nevezie Families. Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah Bella!
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Shalom Court and Thank You Sybil
It was a pleasure to spend time with Sybil and the other Shalom Court residents this weekend as we caught up about community news, global politics, and more.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Sybil for her hard work keeping the other residents connected during the lockdowns with the Zooms and running the Kabbalat Shabbat Prayers while the regular volunteers were not allowed to come.
Kosher Kiwi App
As many of you know our Kosher Kiwi team is spread across the country, from Wellington, to Auckland, to Dunedin.
We have been meeting virtually to continue to grow Kosher Kiwi. Amongst other exciting new developments, we are preparing to launch a Kosher Kiwi App! Watch this space!!!
Reminiscing with Margaret
When I caught up with Margaret this week we talked about the amazing miracles we witnessed together with her late husband Harry. Click the link below to hear the amazing story.
Deb Gets Some Extra Bat Mitzvah Class Help
With five Bat Mitzvahs in two months, it is an exciting time for the community. The girls work hard preparing for their Bat Mitzvah’s attending the Shlichim’s group classes and working one-on-one with Deb - sometimes for a whole year!
Deb needed some extra help with making sure the girls are ready. Luckily Achiya was able to rise the challenge!
Come join us on the upcoming Friday nights as we celebrate with services led by this years’ Bat Mitzvah girls. All welcome!
Exciting Planning with the Deli
This week’s planning meeting for the bright future of THE KOSHER DELI was a wonderful start to the week. With innovative developments planned for the coming weeks and the coming years, there is a lot to get excited about!
Celebrating with Alice and the Nathans
What a pleasure over the weekend to celebrate with Alice and her family as we marked her Bat Mitzvah. Especially lovely to see Alice’s maternal grandparents up in Auckand to join the celebrations!
Oldest AHC Member Catches Up with New AHC Member
It was heart warming to see our oldest member, Hilda Gosling catching up with our Hillel this week. Hillel just became an official AHC member at his Bar Mitzvah so he has a long way to go to compete with Hilda!
Stories Playlist on Youtube
Deb has compiled some Friday Night Stories from her Friday Night Classes into a youtube playlist (link below).
Each story is either a true story or a parable with a Torah message. Stay tuned for more stories or if you have a story of Hashgachah Pratit (divine providence) then share it with Deb and she can tell the story!