Shabbat Sh’lach
Introducing our “same same but different” programmes…
Youth from the age of 13+ are invited to join
an evening at our place, once a month with dinner, an educational programme/activity and, most of all, a place to get together socially and stay in touch with Jewish friends. Please feel free to reach out for any questions!
Come enjoy a night out and some fun Hebrew conversations! If you’re 18+ and miss your Jewish scene, yet find it too much at Shule, come along! Laughter, fun and beers - guaranteed!
Young Adults
Us older ones of the young adults are meeting up once a month to have some dinner, share stories about our aches and pains and how it’s tough getting older. KIDDING!
You young adults that are too busy for life yet still want a touch of a Jewish home - are invited to join a fun dinner, good times with friends and some fun games.
Can’t wait to see you all this week!
Last week…
Last week’s JNA was all about dilemmas.- “What would you do?”
We spoke about the value of honesty, mainly towards ourselves and what kind of situations might risk our honesty.
It was interesting hearing about the different groups’ thoughts and opinions.
We also enjoyed dinner with ice cream to top it off.
See you all next time!
Bnei Kabbalat Shabbat
Thank you to the wonderful community members who came to support BA’s Kabbalat Shabbat and brought along their amazing little ones. We had a blast singing, dancing and creating wonderful ruach during cold and rainy times.
Keep an eye out for the next Kab Shab coming your way!
BA Collaborate with the new ZF youth representative
Last week we hosted a Madrichim meeting to discuss how BA NZ can continue to influence, guide and inspire more Chanichim and Madrichim.
We discussed the importance of teaching Judaism & Zionism, especially in New Zealand.
We had the privilege of hosting Sonya Avdish from the Zionist Federation who, together with us, discussed the different projects we can collaborate on and what Kiwi youth can benefit from educationally.
Pre-Camp Cooking!
We would like to thank everyone who took part in the BA pre-camp cooking at the AHC kitchen in the past few weeks.
Special thank you to Lisa Cohen-Smith for being a constant supporter and volunteer in BA. We’re now gearing up for MadSem and can’t wait for all the fun to come!
Winter Camp 2022- Hunua Falls
If you haven’t signed your little ones up to BA Winter camp yet, you’re running late and maybe running out of space! We don’t have many more spaces left but would love for everyone to be there so please ensure you sign up ASAP!Limmud 2022- Wellington
This year’s Limmud will be in Wellington August 27-28. We can’t wait to take part and are enjoying being part of the programme planning. We encourage you all to attend Limmud - a Shabbat together in Wellington as a community sounds so great to us!!
Wishing you all a Shavua Tov and Shabbat Shalom!
The Fogels
If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group to be updated about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bravery notices and more - now’s the time!!
Mikveh Notice:
Please note bookings for the Mikveh will be done through Elaine from May 3 - June 28. Please book via: or on 021-227-3377. If you require a Balanit, please reach out to Elisheva in advance.
Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust