Shabbat Pekudei

Purim with Hebrew Heroes 🎭

This week, we explored one of the special Mitzvot we have in Purim-Mishloach Manot! We had a fun game in which we all got a small gift and had a great time :)

We also learned a new song in Hebrew that talks about the importance of happiness 😊

Rosh Chodesh Brunch with
Bar & Bat Mitzvah class 🥞

On Sunday, we held a special Minyan with our Bar and Bat Mitzvah kids, along with their families and other community members who joined us and celebrated Rosh Chodesh Adar || 🎭🎉

After the beautiful service, led by Rabbi Rube, we enjoyed a fun brunch, and then had a short class about Purim with the kids.

We are planning on having a Minyan every Sunday at 9am, and we would love for you to join us!

Kristin College Visit

On Tuesday and Wednesday, we had visitors from Year 8 at Kristin College, who came to learn about Judaism and the origins of our beliefs.

We were talking about the meaning of Hashem, how we incorporate Judaism in our daily lives and we showed them many different Jewish items - the Torah Scroll, Shofar, Siddur, Tefillin and more.

Coming up next:

Bnei’s Senior Peula! ✨

What’s more festive than baking Hamantashen for Purim? Baking together!

Senior Chanichim - join us 17/03 for bonding time, a super fun hangout, and of course… to bake hamantashen! Can’t wait to see you all there… 🎭👩‍🍳

Bnei Akiva’s Mishloach Manot!

We are getting closer to Purim. The perfect addition to your Purim is… Bnei Akiva’s Mishloach Manot! Guaranteed to bring a smile to everyone’s faces.😁😁

 These will be filled with delicious freshly baked Hamantaschen and lots of other goodies so pre-order yours now! 

Fill in the link here and payment will be at the Purim carnival. The last day for orders will be Friday 15th March, so make sure to get your order(s) in before then! 🎉🎁💝💝

JYA’s Purim Cocktails Party!

Looking for a fun night with good people, making your own cocktail and having some fun before Purim? Here’s your chance!

Join us on Tuesday 19 March, 6pm,
and don’t forget your costume!

$15 per person, sign up right here :)

Bnei Akiva’s Purim Senior Shabbaton

Calling all senior chanichim —>

Do you miss camp? We sure do!
Purim is just under a month away and we want to spend this amazing holiday with YOU!

This year we’ll be holding a Purim Senior Shabbaton, so make sure to sign up so you don’t miss out on any festive fun 🎭

The Shabbaton will be held at the AJCC,
22-24 March (Friday-Sunday).

Sign up using the link here - we can’t wait to see you there!

Purim Carnival 2024!! 🎉

Purim is soon and we are excited to see everyone’s happy faces as we celebrate together.

On Sunday March 24th, at the AJCC:

10:00am- Shacharit & Megillah reading
12:00pm- Fun Carnival!

The carnival will have something for everyone - many different booths, kids’ activities, good food, music and most of all FUN!

Don’t forget your costume 🎭

Donations will be deeply appreciated, to support our activities ❤

Register here for security purposes

  • Want to join us and have a booth of your own? please send us an email here :)

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom,
Ariel, Roni and Tomer HaCohen

Follow us on Instagram for updates
about upcoming events and see the fun behind the scenes :)

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group for updates about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bereavement notices, and more - now’s the time!!

Click here to join the WhatsApp group

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the Mikveh through Roni, who is also available if you require a Balanit.
Roni (What’sApp):
right here!

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Vayikra


Shabbat Vayak’hel