Shabbat Miketz

Kadimah’s Chanukah party!

On Friday, we celebrated Chanukah with all the Kadimah students. We had a festive T’filah and lit the first candle together. After T’filah, we had a big celebration with good music and joyful stations led by the incredible Jewish Studies & Hebrew team - Yaniv, Rinat and Inbal. We ended the activities with a Chanukah quiz and the kids had a wonderful time!

Last Bar & Bat Mitzvah class of the year!

On Sunday, we had the last meeting with the Bnei Mitzvah kids for this year! We are currently working on the projects for the big event in February, and happy to be a part of the amazing process they have gone through over the past year with Noam & Elisheva and with Rabbi Rube.
We are excited for the celebration coming up and for the next group of Bar & Bat Mitzvah kids that will start after summer break!

Chanukah on the Lawn

We were so excited to meet so many of you during the ZFNZ on Sunday!
The event was amazing, with stalls by local artists and initiatives, great Israeli live music, Israeli dancing and yummy Chanukah food :)
Lastly, we lit the 4th candle in unity and celebrated with Chanukah spirits in our hearts.

JYA Chanukah event

On Monday, we had a Chanukah party for our JYA friends here.
We were happy to have you all with us, to catch up with people we know and to meet some new faces!
We lit the candles together and enjoyed our Sufganiot DIY station ;)
Looking forward to seeing more of you all next time!

To stay updated on our next JYA meeting, join our WhatsApp group here!

MadSem and ruach

Our Bnei Mads are super excited for the camp coming up!
We have been preparing for it for the past few weeks, and now our mads are on site, getting ready to have the best camp with you :)

During the past week, the mads have been joining Kadimah students on T’filah and had great Ruach dancing with the kids at the end of every day.

AHC Chanukah BBQ!

On Wednesday, we had an amazing event of Chanukah celebrations and great food, led by Rabbi Rube.
We all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the incredible food made by talented members of our community. Thank you all for your time and effort!

Don’t miss our upcoming events!

Machane The Grand Bnei Tour 2023!

We can’t wait to see all of you in the amazing Summer Camp!
Senior: 19th - 26th December
Junior: 21st - 26th December
Get ready for a week filled with unforgettable moments, endless adventures, kef, and new friendships.

For any questions feel free to contact either the Rosh Machane: Isaac Thomson-Gregg or the Sgan Machane: Reuben Cohen.

Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful summer,
Ariel, Roni and Tomer HaCohen

If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group for updates about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programs, bereavement notices, and more - now’s the time!!

Click here to join the WhatsApp group

Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the mikveh through Roni, who is also available if you require a Balanit.
Roni (What’sApp):
right here!

Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust


Shabbat Bo


Shabbat Vayeishev