Shabbat Ki Teitzei
Our Visit to Israel 😊
Over the last few weeks, we were visiting our families in Israel and enjoying (at least some of us😅) some summer days.
In our first week there, we went to Jerusalem to keep a promise we made to Kadimah students a few months ago-
On Yom Yerushalayim, the students wrote notes of prayer and requests and we made our own Kotel (Western Wall) right here in the school, so they can put their notes in between the stones.
When we went to Israel, we took all of the notes with us and made sure they all got a place between the stones of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, as you can see in the photos.
It was so special for us, getting the chance to connect our students to Jerusalem and to Hashem, and we hope it makes them as happy as we were!
Here you can see some more fun experiences from our time with the families ❤
It was a wonderful trip, busy and emotional, but it is safe to say that we really missed our New Zealand home and family while we were there. Happy to be back! ❤
Coming up:
BA KabShab! 📖
Join us Friday September 20th for a fun Kabbalat Shabbat with Bnei mads and the community!
We look forward to seeing you there 😊
Reverse Tashlich 2024/5784
In an effort to practice Tikkun Hayam (Repair of the Seas), we will dedicate a day to cleaning and protecting our beautiful Aotearoa waters!
Sunday, September 29th, 10am,
246 Beach Haven Road, Birkdale, North Shore.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom and peaceful days,
Ariel, Roni and Tomer HaCohen :)
Follow us on Instagram for updates
about upcoming events and see the fun behind the scenes :)
If you haven’t joined the community’s WhatsApp group for updates about all the upcoming events, youth activities, Shabbat programmes, bereavement notices, and more - now’s the time!!
Click here to join the WhatsApp group
Mikveh Notice:
Please note you can book the Mikveh through Roni, who is also available if you require a Balanit. Roni (What’sApp): right here!
Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust