Shabbat Vayera
Spreading the word..
This week Elisheva was asked to share her experience of life on Shlichut. This zoom meeting was arranged by one of the biggest Ulpenot (Orthodox school for high school girls) and had more than 200 participants. Although it was a midnight meeting, we felt it was important to take part so that students at a young age can be exposed to the world of shlichut and hopefully one day, be Shlichim and make a change in a Jewish community around the world.
Kabbalat Shabbat with the Shlichim
Now that Ety has left and we are with no current “boss” here in AUS-NZ, we have decided to take initiative and keep the group together and active.
Once a month we meet for a relaxing and inspiring Kabbalat Shabbat.
This is one of the only ways we can stay in touch with the Shlichim in AUS.
Shalom Court with BM class
This Sunday was extremely special. We began the morning with the residents of Shalom Court.
The kids organized a Bingo game, arts n’ crafts activity and a beautiful song sang by two girls from the group.
We spent close to 2 hours with the residents and we were so impressed to see these amazing young adults showing true love, kindness and respect.
We left Shalom Court with a true feeling of pride, happiness and accomplishment knowing this group has experienced in the best way possible, the importance of the Mitzvah to respect elders.
So proud.
Hard to believe this dream is becoming reality this week! We are so excited to have had this opportunity to unite so many women and come together for a fun, inspiring and uplifting night.
This event has been worked on day & night by all organizers and we feel blessed to have led the way with lots of hope that this will become a long lasting tradition.
Hebrew Club Baking
How does one keep kids focused at the end of a school day?!
This week we learnt some new Hebrew words while baking yummy chocolate chip cookies.
It’s been a real pleasure teaching these sweet kids and seeing them make progress with their conversational Hebrew.
The Shabbat Project Lunch & Havdalah
This Shabbat is extremely special.
Jews all over the world will be celebrating the Shabbat and joining in on the Shabbat project.
While the theme this year, due to Covid-19, is “bring it home”, we in NZ are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to celebrate it together, in person.
The challah bake is one of three events planned for you amazing people.
This Shabbat we will be enjoying lunch together, as one community.
On Saturday night, we will be joining in with the Wellington community for Havdalah.
We encourage you all to find at least one event and connect— to the community, yourself, Shabbat, the world.
Once a year.
Coming up
Alica Nathan’s Bat Miztvah! We can’t wait!!
Hebrew Club at Kadimah- Monday, 3:15-4:15
JNA- Save the date- 17/11, 7:30PM at our house! See you there : )
Young adults meet for coffee & Cake,12/11, 8PM at our place.
Shabbat Shalom!
Lots of love to all,
The Fogels
Generously supported by the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust