Parashat Devarim
Rabbi’s Drosh
Thank you to all those who joined us over Shabbat to celebrate Achiya’s first birthday. It was so heartening to see the Shul packed with over 300 people and thanks to Sam and the team no one went hungry! For those who were not able to make it, I have included a summary of the drosh via the link below (including of course the gender reveal!).
This shabbat we are honouring the Chevra Kaddisha and the amazing work they do in our community. I want to especially thank the Chevra volunteers. We work together at all hours of the day and night, often at short notice. It is an honour doing this holy work with you.
Shabbat Shalom and wishing you a meaningful fast over Tisha B’Av - may we see the Beit Hamikdash (Temple) in Jerusalem speedily rebuilt in our times!
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Rabbi's Class - The War Against Midian: Moshe's Final Mission!
We had a lively Rabbi’s Class asking what the war against the Midianites actually about and why this was Moshe's last mission. An interesting lesson in what’s really important.
Channukat Habayit for the Lipchins
Mazel Tov to Barrie, Hayley and the boys on moving into their new house. Putting up the Mezzuzot makes a house a home and it was wonderful to celebrate this milestone with them.
A Special Visit to Preschool
It was very special visit with Preschool this week as we celebrated Achiya’s birthday with them and heard about all they were learning about Havdallah.
Thank you to our little friends for making Achiya so welcome and singing him Happy Birthday in four different languages!
Camp Cooking and Kashrut Supervision
More camp cooking this week as Tanya and the team made sure that our dear children will not be going hungry this week! They are in for a treat with lots of warm, nutritious meals on the way.
Mikveh Meeting with Rabbi Tal
We are blessed to be able to draw on the planning that Wellington has done in their new Mikveh project as we prepare to build our new Mikveh in Remuera. Thanks to Rabbi Tal and Rachel for sharing their plans with us.
A Week of lots of Visiting
Unfortunately there are many congregants who are unwell at the moment.
I was in Auckland Hospital this week and would ask you all to please let me know if you or someone you care about is unwell and would like a visit.
We also had some social visits as well and Achiya enjoyed having a cuddle with Shirley Kwasnik and some of his other friends in the community this week.
We want to take this opportunity to thank you all for making Achiya’s first year so filled with cuddles, warmth and love!
No Rest for Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Students!
We are very proud of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah students for continuing their classes with us in the school holidays. Great to see dedicated parents and children preparing for their simchas, including David Steinberg, who we celebrate with next week!