Parashat Veyelech - Shabbat Tshuva
Rabbi’s Drosh
Dear Friends,
We hope you had a meaningful Rosh Hashannah at home. We were thinking of you all as we welcomed the New Year in our little bubble.
In this week’s Parasha we read about the amazing energy of Moshe Rebbeinu (Moses) as he addresses the people of Israel at the age of 120. This is the origin of the well-known Jewish birthday wish “'to 120!“.
We read Moses saying “I can no longer go out and come in…“ and one could imagine that he was impeded by is old age, but Rashi explains this is absolutely not the case. He was young in appearance and vibrant and full of energy! What an inspiration!
After the spiritual high of Rosh Hashanah, we need to keep our energy high through the Days of Repentance, this Shabbat Teshuva, Yom Kippur and into Sukkot.
How can we learn from Moshe in terms of maximising our energy?
1) Keep in mind the bigger mission and the bigger picture - we are in lockdown in the hope of something better!
2) During his leadership journey, he had to learn to delegate (we read about his father-in-law Yitro (Jethro) helping him to delegate to other leaders.) Is there something which is draining your energy which you can delegate?
3) Seek family support - Moshe took a lot of energy and support from his brother and sister. Stay in touch with your biological family and your AHC family!
4) Connect with Hashem - Moshe was in constant contact with Hashem. Without the usual distractions of everyday life, we have the opportunity to tap into our own spirituality during this unusual time of lockdown and the High Holy Days.
This week we look forward to celebrating David Hofman’s 60th Birthday on our FNL Zoom! Join us online!
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova, Gmar Chatima Tova.
Rabbi Friedler