Parashat Korach
Rabbi’s Drosh
What a week in Israel…Politics, politics and more politics!
A perfect fit for this week’s highly political parasha. Korach is our first example of a political coup against the leadership of the Jewish people. Politics has always been of interest to the Jewish people and today’s Jewry is no exception.
The Pew Research Centre has once again released their findings about US Jewry based on their 2020 Survey. They report that Jewish Americans are culturally engaged, increasingly diverse, politically polarized and worried about anti-Semitism.
They also care deeply about politics. The survey found that there are more Jews in the US who care about their grandchildren sharing their political beliefs than marrying someone Jewish!
One of the biggest lessons that we learn about politics from this week’s Parasha is the importance of motivation. A person’s motivation plays a huge role in determining whether they will succeed. The big question from a Jewish perspective; Is what they are doing politically for the sake of heaven?
Interestingly, Korach’s argument for a shift in leadership looks like a holy one on the face of it. He says that all the community are holy and questions why Moshe and his family raise themselves above the Lord’s congregation. But the problem really lies in his motivation - which is selfish and far from holy. It is this motivation that leads to his demise.
In an interview last week, Naftali Bennett shared his motivations for forming a coalition with centrist and left-wing parties.
“…I knew I was going to be criticized, and in the choice between what’s good for Israel and this thing, I chose what’s good for Israel…I told my kids that their father was going to be the most hated person in the country. But I explained that I was doing it for the sake of their country.”
Time will tell whether this motivation statement is sincere. We will have to wait and see whether this government can move forward or whether once again Israel will be forced to return to the polls.
One things is for sure though, whether it’s Israel, America, or the middle of the desert…whether it is in biblical times or today, the Jewish people have always been interested in politics!
May we all be blessed to see leadership with motivations that are holy and for the sake of heaven always.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler
*To read more about the Pew Research, go to
The Friedlers’ Highlights
There is Always Hope - Learning from the Spies
If you missed the class at the Rabbi’s house or on Zoom, you can still catch it on Youtube. The class looks at the report of the spies, the response of the people and their leadership and explores the options that the people of Israel have in the wake of this episode.
Getting Ready for Jake’s Bar Mitzvah
What a special moment this week to practice laying T’fillin with Jake and Steve as we continued preparations for their upcoming simcha.
We look forward to celebrating with Jake later in the month and pray that the rest of the family can come over from Australia for the big day!
Working with the Jewish Online Museum
It has been exciting to work with the Jewish Online Museum team as they develop their content. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to see their progress, click on the link below. You will see some familiar faces! There is also the opportunity to contribute content.
A Special Visit in Tauranga
On my way from Kosher Kiwi inspections this week, I was blessed to catch up with a very special rural member of our community - Cherise Tkatch. You may have seen her and her daughters in Shul when she is up in Auckland. Always a pleasure to see them!
Channukat HaBayit for Sam and Sofia
Mazel Tov to Sam and Sofia for putting up their Mezuzah at their new apartment. People remember to change locks, install alarms, get insurance, but don’t forget the spiritual protection of putting up your mezuzah! Please contact the Rabbi if you would like a visit to affix yours.
Lord Rabbi Sacks Memorial Library Update
We have been working with the generous donors who travelled with us and the Rabbi in 2019 as we progress with this beautiful gift to our community.
Their international fundraising begins this week and they have already raised $4,000 dollars towards the project.
Click below to see some amazing photos of the Rabbi travelling in New Zealand including some familiar faces from our community!