Parashat Beha’alotcha

Rabbi’s Drosh

The name of this week’s Parasha is Beha’alotcha which literally means “When you step up“.

In our parasha it refers to the step in front of the Menorah. Rashi explains that the Kohen used to stand on this step when preparing the oil and wicks.

In modern day English ‘stepping up‘ connotes rising to a challenge or putting one’s self forward for leadership and yet ironically it is in this week’s parasha that we see Moshe reaching a point of total despair in his leadership as the people complain there is no meat.

The text of the Torah is dramatic and filled with emotion, Moshe cries out to Hashem;

“Why have You brought this trouble on Your servant? What have I done to displease You that you put the burden of all these people on me? Did I conceive all these people? Did I give them birth? Why do You tell me to carry them in my arms, as a nurse carries an infant, to the land You promised on oath to their ancestors?… If this is how You are going to treat me, please go ahead and kill me—if I have found favour in Your eyes—and do not let me face my own ruin.”

The great Rabbi Lord Sacks z”l notes that every leader, maybe every human being, at some point will face failure, defeat and, in the Rabbi’s words “the looming abyss of despair”. The Rabbi notes that Hashem’s response is very practical. Rather than offering words of reassurance or comfort, or telling him to pull himself together, Hashem lays out plan of action. He tells Moshe to gather 70 elders to help shoulder some of the burden.

This is a powerful lesson for all of us on what it means to step up. Leading the Jewish people was not a job for one - as Moshe discovered. Likewise, our calls to leadership are not calls to do everything ourselves but rather to come together with others to achieve great things.

Although I was not in Auckland, and therefore unable to attend Sunday’s show of support for Israel, I was really heartened to see the turn out of our Christian and Maori friends - all stepping up in support of Israel and our local community. A huge thank you to Rob and the team for this important initiative.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Friedler

The Friedlers’ Highlights


Kosher in a Non-Kosher Environment

This week we worked with a student setting up a kosher station in their room so they could keep kosher in a non-kosher environment. If you or someone you know wishes to go kosher, there are $100 grants available to help. Those who are AHC members or in the conversion programme may be eligible for a one-off grant. Please contact the Rabbi or Deb to make confidential grant request.

Kadimah T’fillah and Learning

I was very proud of the Kadimah students who volunteered to lead the Kadimah T’fillah this week. Each T’fillah, students from different year levels have to opportunity to be the Chazzanim and lead the service. If your children or grandchildren are at Kadimah, encourage them to take up the challenge!


Haftorah Club Preparations

Another Haftorah Club session as we continue to see more members reading Haftorah. Kol Hakavod to Barry for his next Haftorah learning. If you would like to join the Haftorah club, click on the link below to email Many Harris. We are always excited to welcome new members!

Learning to Lay T’fillin

I love teaching the Bar Mitzvah boys, those in the conversion programme and members how to put on T’fillin. Sunday mornings are a great opportunity to learn how to do this special mitzvah. Come join the Minyan and be guided through the process!


Remembering Maureen Kendler 

Click on the link below to find out about the late Maureen Kendler, why Adina Halpern presented about her at Shavuot, and what can we learn from one of her favourite texts “Night” by Elie Wiesel.


The Jews of the Phillipines

One of our newest members, Mark Benedicto presented the history and his personal journey at Tikkun Leil about the Jews of the Philippines. To read his speech, please click on the link below.





Parashat Sh’lach


Parashat Nasso