Parashat Terumah Zachor
Rabbi’s Drosh
This week was a real reminder that the virus is still out there and a threat to us even here in New Zealand.
This week’s special Parasha is the reading of Zachor, which means remember. We are commanded to remember what Amalek did to us when we left Egypt, attacking our weak and vulnerable - without any provocation - just when we had been freed from years of slavery.
We always read this Parasha on the Shabbat proceeding Purim, which will be on Thursday night next week., as Haman was a descendant of Amalek.
It has already been a year since the restrictions of the pandemic affected our Purim celebrations and two years since the Chistchurch attacks meant we held services and meals at the Rabbi’s house as the Synagogue was closed.
It is interesting because usually human-beings have very short memories. Jewish memory on the other hand is famously long-sighted. We have the six remembrances that we should say every day which all date back over 4,000 years ago. They are:
1. Our Exodus From Egypt
2. The Revelation at Sinai
3. Amalek’s Attack on Israel
4. The Golden Calf and Rebelling in the Desert
5. Miriam’s Negative Speech and Punishment
6. The Sabbath
Each of these has the theme of responsibility and/or gratitude (or the problems of ingratitude) which is why remembering them is so important.
When life is smooth and easy, we can become complacent with our responsibilities and our gratitude, however when we have a taste of difficult times, this can be enough to remind us to stand up and be responsible and to offer gratitude.
Let us pray this snap-lockdown is only a very short reminder of how blessed we are in New Zealand and our responsibility to protect each other. Please G-d we will be able to join together this Shabbat for the reading of Zachor and next week for the reading of the Megillat Esther and the celebration of Purim.
A huge Mazel Tov and much naches to the Azriel and Bilha on the birth of a little sister for Mimi and Noga! We can’t wait to welcome her to Shul!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Thanksgiving Blessing for Mark
We were all very emotional on Shabbat when Mark Steinberg joined me on the Bimah to recite the special thanksgiving blessing for someone who has survived a dangerous situation after being hit by a car and walking away Baruch Hashem with miraculously minor injuries. We wish Mark a refuah shelema - complete recovery.
Visiting Lesley in her New Home
Lesley Scher would love to you all to know how happy she is in her new home on the Shore. Lesley is already getting to know her fellow residents and charming them with her bright smile and the warmth we all love and know.
Shiur with Rebbitzen Mandy Lawrence
This week we joined the Lawrences for a shiur on the Month of Adar and why and how we need to increase our joy as we enter this important month. Our learning was in honour of Mandy’s late Mum Della Levy z”l whom many will remember from her visits to New Zealand.
Bar Mitzvah Lockdown Learning
We were back into virtual mode with our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students this week as we slipped into that familiar pattern of lockdown. Well done to our students for adapting so quickly and well!
Zoom T’fillah with Kadimah
It was lovely to have some siblings and parents joining us on Zoom this week for our regular Kadimah T’fillah. We took the opportunity to do some learning about Purim together and hopefully I will be able to read the Megillah for the children in person next week!
Not-so-Senior Outreach
Achiya got a sneaky cuddle with Maxine before we headed out for our Senior Outreach programme (pre-lockdown). Not the usual target age group but he is already learning to reach out.
Back to Virtual Inspection Mode
I should have been in Taupo this week for a Kosher Kiwi audit, but had to cancel the flight due to the COVID19 lockdown.
Our clients were able to accommodate a virtual inspection instead. Although on video, we spent an hour and a half on a very thorough inspection and our client was able to be certified.