Parashat Bereshit
Rabbi’s Drosh
Each year on the first shabbat after Simchat Torah Jews around the world go to shul and hope for the opportunity to make the same cheesy joke they make every year. They wait until someone comes late and asks what they missed, and then with great joy they make their joke, “Oh nothing much, just the creation of the whole world!“.
Yet we are one of the few communities around the world with the opportunity to do this in 5781/2020. So many of our brothers and sisters are at home, unable to go pray with their communities. They may even be completely alone.
This week we read about the creation of man and almost immediately we read that it is not good for man to dwell alone. In 2018, 3.5% of New Zealanders reported feeling lonely most or all of the time in the four weeks prior being surveyed. During lockdown this year, that number rose to 10.6%. (to read more details about this research see the Alone Together link in our Highlights Section below).
Having spent time alone this year gives us an opportunity to think about how we tackle loneliness in our community and society. One of the ways to do this is through sharing Simchas with each other. This week we have another amazing opportunity to come together again to celebrate Rafi’s Bar Mitzvah with Rafi and the Newland family. It has been a pleasure teaching Rafi for the past year and I know he will bring much joy and naches to his family and the whole community this Shabbat.