Parashat Ki Teitzei
Rabbi’s Drosh
Mah Nishtana ha-Lockdown Hazeh?
Why is this lockdown different from all other lockdowns?
Speaking to many of you over the past week, it seems that this lockdown is different from the last one. Why is this?
New research from Rutherford suggests that firstly, people are feeling less united as a team of five million. Secondly, the novelty of lockdown has worn off, leaving behind the reality of financial distress and anxiety.
As the Jewish Community of Auckland, we have an additional layer of concern. Will be able to sit around the Rosh Hashanah table with friends and family? Will our services go ahead normally for the High Holy Days?
Our team at AHC is already preparing ourselves for the different scenarios of how to run services depending on which level and which limits of gatherings we are subject to. No matter what happens we are determined to find ways to make this High Holy Days meaningful.
This week's parasha opens with the Mitzvah related to war, "when you shall go to the war...". The Hebrew uses the singular form of "oiveha" for "your enemy" when one would expect the plural.
This gives us a message in these days of Elul, and even more so during this uncertainty the world is facing.
Each one of us must face our own personal challenges. If we are brave enough to do this, then we see the outcome in the second part of the verse, which reads; "Hashem will deliver this enemy into your hands".
Now, in the days of Elul, when "the King is in the field and close to his servant", Hashem is closer to us than any other time of the year.
Kia Kaha (stay strong!) and Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Friedler
The Friedlers’ Highlights
Bris for Little Eden
Mazel Tov and Kol Hakavod to the Fogels. It was amazing to see them complete the important Mitzvah of Brit Milah and I thank them for the honour of being a part of it. We all look forward to celebrating with them as soon as possible, please G-d. May Eden Rafael grow in Torah, Chuppah and Mitzvot and bring much naches to his family.
Bar Mitzvah Prep in Lockdown
Adam, Ben, Hillel, Rafi, and Theo all continued with their Bar Mitzvah training this week in lockdown, making the most of the extra time to continue their learning. Hopefully they can practice in Shul again soon. Well done boys!
Welcoming Elul with the Shofar at FNL
We celebrated the start of Elul with over 100 of you at Friday Night Live. If you missed it and would like to hear the Shofar blasts, here is a short video of Rabbi Natti blowing the Shofar.
Delicious Contactless Deli Deliveries
Kol HaKavod to Sam for the fantastic menu for the special AHC Friday Night Meals. Thank you for supporting this initiative. The Deli produced 140 meals for individuals and families in the community. We were hoping to be together for the community meal this Shabbat and look forward to a chance to reschedule in the future when we are out of lockdown.
The Case of the Boomerang Kippah
An amazing and true example of Hashem working in mysterious ways this week! The Rabbi’s Kippah flew off while he was walking in Ponsonby and two days later he was reunited with it. To hear the full story and find out about the little boy who found it click the link below.
The Challah Must Go On!
Back to Challah Baking under level 3 conditions. A reminder that you can still order fresh Challah during lockdown which has been safely prepared in conjunction with our baker Dusty Apron.